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Geoff Ashton

Blogs by Geoff Ashton
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3 minutes reading time (530 words)

Case Study - High School Student - English Tuition


For each case study, I emailed out a series of questions. The parent's response is below each question. In most cases, parents understandably wanted their anonymity maintaining. Finally, for the most part, answers are from busy mums replying on their phones during a lunch break! So please be forgiving if their replies appear abrupt. They receive nothing in return for doing this and are giving up their precious time completely of their own accord. Geoff :)

The student was a Year 9 girl - tutored in Secondary English till GCSEs in Year 11. Mum was a local High School governor.

1. What challenges was your child experiencing before beginning to use our services?

My daughter was having problems with spellings and English techniques, her grades were dropping causing her upset and worry.

2. What were your goals on beginning to use our services?

I wanted to get her confidence back and enjoyment of English. Long term I wanted her grades to improve.

3. Either before or after using our services, what do you think makes us stand out against our competitors?

I liked seeing all of the tutors and reading the information regarding them.
The website is very professional and gives parents a lot of information.

4. How has your child benefited from using our services?

My daughter's grades have significantly improved, and she is a lot more confident doing the subject.

5. This one is all about your child's 'story'. Can you highlight their plight, or 'journey' from before their tuition, during it and then after their tuition? I know this is a 'biggie', but this most likely is the answer that other parents will be interested in.

My daughter has always enjoyed her English lessons and always kept up with her class and the work. When she went into Year 9, she started to struggle and fell behind. She stopped reading at home and wasn't enjoying her English lessons.

When I attended a parents evening I noticed how much she had fallen behind and the teacher mentioned that if she continued to struggle it may benefit her to go down a set.

I looked on the website and saw Ash Tutors, I was really impressed from the start. I spoke to Geoff and got really good advice, encouragement and assured that a tutor would benefit my daughter's education.

I saw an improvement almost immediately. Miss Sharon went through the English syllabus and found out what my daughter was struggling with. 

My daughter soon became a different child - she became confident again, started to read and enjoyed her lessons at school. It wasn't long when her school teacher contacted me to say she had noticed a difference in her and if it continued she would move up a set! 

She is now doing her GCSE and feels confident that she will do well.

6. What would you say to other parents considering hiring a private tutor, and in particular, in relation to Ash Tutors and other tuition companies?

I would definitely recommend Ash Tutors to anyone whose child has started to find it hard to keep up in their lessons and lost interest in a subject. It is a highly professional business with a lot of useful advice.
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