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Caroline Dennigan

Caroline Dennigan Blog Posts
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2 minutes reading time (413 words)

How to build self-confidence in children


Self-esteem is one of the greatest gifts you can give to your child. This is a gift that will last from childhood throughout their adult life. Positivity and self-confidence help children try new challenges as well as deal with mistakes and try, try again! Read on to learn some ways to help build their confidence...

 Here are 10 tips on how to raise a self-confident child:

1- Say less and let your child do more! 

2- Don't get upset by your child's mistakes. Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, professor of psychology encourages parents to make their own little mistakes on purpose. "Seeing you mess up and not make a big deal about it will make young children feel much better." In the long run, this will help them to take setbacks in their stride. 

3- Encourage new interests and activities such as day trips and hobbies. Acquiring new skills will help your child to feel both capable and confident in the knowledge they can tackle anything that comes their way. 

4- If your child is of a young age, try not to do everything for them. While it may take longer to get things done, such as getting dressed, letting them do things for themselves helps your child learn new skills so they will feel more competent and confident.

5- Give your child age-appropriate chores. From the age of 2 years, most children should be able to participate in family chores.

6- It's important to give praise where praise is due but do be realistic in your praise. If for example, your child shows little talent in one particular skill, praise the effort they have made but don't be unrealistically praise the overall result.

7- Praise perseverance. Ensure your child learns not to give up at the first hurdle or frustration. This is an all-important skill they will need for the rest of their life. 

8- Set rules and be consistent by enforcing the rules you have laid down. Have a talk with your child about household rules and what the outcome will be if the rules are broken. 

9- Put the mobile phone down and give your child your full attention. Make eye contact so they know that you are really listening to what they are saying. Sharing your own feelings will help your child to express their own. 

10- Guide your child to set reasonable and realistic goals. This will help them avoid feelings of failure.

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