Geoff Ashton
Questions Parents Of High School Kids Should Ask At Parents’ Evening
A guest post by one of our maths tutors. If you have kids at High School, you'd better read on...
High school parents’ evenings can be strange things, you dash from teacher to teacher and hear about lots of different subjects but very often hear the same thing over and over again. The picture of your child, positive or negative, is usually sorted after the first couple of appointments and the rest often seems like more reinforcement. By the time you get home, most of the detail is gone and subjects often seem to run into each other.
Here are my tips for making the most of a high school parents’ evening:
1. Take your child with you.
Having your child hear what is being said about them can be of great benefit. They get to hear all the positive things that teachers think of them and, if there are any other issues they get to hear about those too. It also allows teachers to explain specific, subject-based targets and ways to improve to them. Having your child with you also means they can show you where to go and explain things to you.
If your child is a few short years from GCSEs, you might be interested in this article about why GCSE tuition is so important.
2. Where is my child heading?
Ask teachers what they expect your child to achieve at GCSE level if things carry on at the current rate of progress. All teachers now have this information, even as early as year 7. This is particularly true for Maths, English and Science. This can then leave you with an informed opinion on whether any subjects may need some extra support or focus, or whether they will definitely be subjects to avoid at GCSE. The sooner everyone is aware of where things are heading, the easier it is to do something about it.
3. What websites or phone apps can my child use to support progress?
There are so many websites and apps that support progress these days. These may be free, ones that the school subscribes to, or ones that parents can subscribe to. These can be a really good way of supporting classroom learning.
4. Open the lines of communication.
Teachers generally have a school email address that they use very regularly. If you ask for their email address I’m sure they will tell you. This way you can open the lines of communication with the teacher. Occasionally drop them an email and most teachers will reply. You now won’t need to wait a whole year until the next conversation.
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