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Geoff Ashton

Blogs by Geoff Ashton
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3 minutes reading time (525 words)

Teach Your Child To Read At Home
-A Parents’ Guide


These practices will improve reading comprehension, phonics acquisition, spelling and ultimately the whole quality of their writing and general language work. Read on for a parents' guide to getting the most out of reading with their child...


How to read with your child - a parents' guide 


You can download the gorgeous infographic version here! Totally FREE! It makes a great A4 wall poster - handy for busy parents to glance at during your reading sessions with your child! Just click the link below.

Click Here to Download Now



So, here's a quick shortened version of what you can expect with the download:


Choose the right book!

Your child should be able to read 95 out of every 100 words. Higher than this and they could be missing out on further development. Lower, and they could be reading at ‘frustration level’. (Test this by reading 100 words with them.)

Avoid the temptation... compete through the school scheme levels with your child’s peers.

Discuss the story so far...

...or the book’s synopsis (blurb) from the back cover. Make predictions on what will happen next.


 You can improve their handwriting and overall presentation fairly easily over time with these 9 tips and practices. Download here.


one to one tuition -


When reading...

...track the words - use either their finger, a ruler, a pen…


 Use a variety of strategies... read unfamiliar words - i.e. use context clues, picture clues (sparingly), build the word up (blend) using known phonic sounds (s-n-a-p = snap). It’s handy to have a pencil and paper at the ready to show words with similar patterns.


Make a list...

...of the words that couldn’t be read, and review them at the end, then again at the start of the next session.


Make a grid...

...and in each box write a phonics pattern the child is struggling to remember, along with a corresponding picture e.g. for ‘ph’ write the pattern (grapheme) along with a small picture of a phone, or a dolphin…Review these graphemes each reading session. Try spelling words containing them. Pin them to your fridge!


Spend part of the session...

...reading TO your child. This models good practice. Show them how you’d blend an unfamiliar word (pretend you don’t know one!).


Try substituting...

...the author’s words with new ones. Do they have the same effect? Why / why not? Can they tell the characters’ feelings by their words or actions?


Read regularly!

Several times per week is best. Doesn’t have to be a long time each session. Go with the flow and make it fun. Consistency is vital.


Vary the reading material

Use a library. Include factual as well as fictional.


Try digital reading material

There are many interactive reading apps available.


Download your lovely, free infographic here, and get them reading.


If you know someone with young children who'd benefit from this free resource, why not share it? Think how popular you'll be! :)


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