Primary School Tutors in Wigan - our home-town!

Here at Ash Tutors, we have the most carefully selected and professional group of Primary School Tutors in the Wigan area.


Based in Wigan, Ash Tutors has been providing the very best primary school tutors in the area for nearly 10 years - our Facebook reviewsTrustpilot reviews, and  Google reviews provide the ‘social proof’ that our service is of the highest and most professional quality.


Unlike the national 'directories' I (owner - Geoff Ashton) personally interview and check the credentials of all primary school tutors on my site, building up that vital relationship with them that will ensure success for your child. This is no automated, faceless process.


As an experienced primary teacher myself, I know what it takes to plan for and teach primary school kids, and there is no room at Ash Tutors for anyone who doesn’t fit my rigorous criteria.


Learning Goals

Upon booking one of my primary school tutors from Wigan, learning goals will be agreed upon, ensuring that all parties know where the tuition is heading. If you don’t know where you are going, you won’t know when you’ve got there! This completely eliminates any ‘rambling’ lessons of little value, and keeps everyone focused on the goal - without the pressure of inspections or tests!


Student Success Scheme

We prefer to encourage and motivate - and our Student Success Scheme does just that - especially useful for primary school children. The S.S.S. gently encourages and motivates kids with tangible rewards when they reach their key milestones, so that consistency and attitude are developed which will set them up for future learning far better than reaching some target grade ever could. In addition to this, tutors and, wait for it, parents are also rewarded - as we recognise a child's education involves more than just the child.


Find the Perfect Tutor (without the pressure!)

Integral to Ash Tutors' core service is that we ask the right questions of parents - to find out all the practical implications and preferences of a weekly lesson, in addition to the specific educational needs of their child. By doing this we are able to perfectly match a tutor's skills and experience with their child's needs, and deliver lessons at a time and place that suits all parties. And to top it all, parents can go through this process without pressure or obligation to accept anyone we offer, the final decision of whether to go ahead remains in their hands. You've nothing to lose and EVERYTHING to gain.

Parents will also receive regular content and learning tips via email, specifically tailored to their child’s age group, as studies show how vital parental involvement is in children’s learning. Would you get that from a ‘tutor directory’?


Why not give us a try and request a primary school tutor from Wigan today?