What are 'Our values'?
I like definitions so here's one:
Your values are the things that you believe are important in the way you live and work. They (should) determine your priorities, and, deep down, they're probably the measures you use to tell if your life is turning out the way you want it to.

So to give people an idea of 'our values' - or really that should read 'my values', I have gone to the extent of detailing the 'Role and Expectations' for every private tutor who teaches for us.
This leaves no doubt in the minds of both the clients and of the private tutors of what Ash Tutors expects them to deliver.
When you begin your tuition with us, both the client and the private tutor will receive this document, specific to the particular Tuition Package chosen, so all parties know what to expect.
To give you a flavour of this, here is a simplified, 'watered down' version:
* All tutors are expected to be punctual, or to give a range of arrival times (e.g. between 5 and 5:30pm). When an unexpected hold-up occurs, the tutor will make every effort to contact you, or Ash Tutors.
* The tutor will teach the student to the very best of their teaching ability. The lessons will be planned in advance, and be based on the tutor’s assessments of the student’s strengths and areas for development. They will also take into consideration the school’s targets and assessments (if provided) and will keep the stated and agreed ‘Tuition Goal’ as the ultimate aim.
* Feedback on current progress will be provided every lesson in whatever form the tutor prefers - this may be verbal or written.
* We don't cancel lessons - instead, we reschedule! It's in everyone's interests to keep lessons regular and consistent. No child is going to make progress without it!
* The tutor will make every attempt to give AT LEAST 5 weeks' notice should they have to permanently finish tutoring a client.
* Communication between the tutor and client, and the tutor and agency are absolutely key to the ongoing success of the tuition.
I fully admit there is nothing surprising here for any person engaged in a professional line of work. However, I have come across teachers who very much treat private tuition as an additional extra, or 'add-on' to their daily job. This mustn't be allowed to happen.
If a teacher works full-time and wishes to tutor for Ash Tutors, then they must give as much to their private work in terms of professional standards as they do to their day job - or they won't be permitted to work for us.

My Personal Guarantee to you.
If, after the first lesson you’re not completely satisfied, we’ll give you all your money back. Terms & Conditions apply.
It’s 100% risk-free!